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Zipp Sub-9 Disc Tubular

Editor's Review
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The Sub-9’s highlights so far include a pair of Ironman® 70.3 World Championships, a Tour de France® yellow jersey and some of the fastest Ironman®-distance bike splits ever recorded. We expected nothing less from the ultimate aerodynamic breakthrough.

In the center of the aero “sweet spot” – a wind angle of 12 to 18 degrees – the Zipp® Sub-9 was the first wheel ever to produce forward lift, when paired with our 21 mm Tangente tire. To achieve this feat, we added a toroidal bulge similar to our spoked rims around the edge of the disc to control airflow at the wheel’s leading and trailing edges. In addition to improving aero performance, the bulge’s vertical compliance keeps the Sub-9 glued to the road when cornering and yields a comfortable ride, hour after hour. This makes it the ideal choice for long-course triathletes to bounce out of Transition 2 for the run with fresh legs after a blistering bike split.

For decades, an obsession with aerodynamics has influenced everything from wheels to water bottles. But with the Sub-9 disc, we moved from minimizing drag to maximizing propulsion.

Warning: Variation in individual chainstay specifications on these bike models may cause interference issues with the Sub-9. This is more of an issue for heavier and stronger riders (more than 170 lbs.), but Zipp strongly recommends you test the compatibility under riding loads and conditions before making a purchase.

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Name:Sub-9 Disc Tubular
Brand: Zipp
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