First Ascent Bike Parts & Accessories
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First Ascent is South Africa’s leading specialist outdoor gear manufacturer. We design and manufacture our equipment using a perfect blend of technology, cutting edge materials and manufacturing techniques, and extreme-tested designs.
Every item of First Ascent gear is made by passionate outdoor fanatics for real people who do real outdoor pursuits. Worn and used by ordinary people every day, as well as many of South Africa’s leading extremists in some of the most inhospitable places on earth, our products are designed to keep you comfortable under harsh conditions – and perhaps even save your life.
Every item of First Ascent gear is made by passionate outdoor fanatics for real people who do real outdoor pursuits. Worn and used by ordinary people every day, as well as many of South Africa’s leading extremists in some of the most inhospitable places on earth, our products are designed to keep you comfortable under harsh conditions – and perhaps even save your life.