Niner SIR 9 FRAMESET (2013)
At a time when carbon super bikes (including our own flagship models) dominate the stage, why would Niner shine a spotlight on the SIR 9? Perhaps it’s better to ask “just what is it about steel bikes?” Why, when we get on a steel frame, are we instantly transported back to that first bike we had as a kid? Why is steel just as relevant today as it was 50 years ago while other materials have come and gone?
There wasn’t anything wrong with our SIR 9 – like other Ninerds we ride it and love it. But something about Steel being equated with Retro seemed almost unfair to such a great bike. There is simply no reason frames built with one of the best metals on the planet shouldn’t benefit from and take full advantage of cool technologies like updated headsets standards, tapered forks and through axles. .